Real-time holographic presence by MATSUKO

MATSUKO is a deep tech company that uses a combination of AR and AI to develop realistic holograms for spatial digital communication.

Leaning into their gaming, AI, and human-robot interaction background, MATSUKO’s founders Maria Vircikova and Matus Kirchmayer want users to experience the magic of life-like holographic presence. To achieve this goal, the team has developed the world’s first holographic presence app that uses a simple flow to capture and stream people as holograms in real-time.

The smartphone or computer camera capture transmits a real-time three-dimensional holographic image of a person before processing through an advanced 3D rendering engine. It then delivers a ‘virtually there’ immersive experience and displays it in a virtual environment or overlays it in a real-world setting. Patents-pending deep learning algorithms transform 2D streams into 3D pixel by pixel. The company’s own neural networks learn to reconstruct a person, even the non-visible parts. Real-time or pre-recorded, the holograms could be scaled to their true size and represent the natural facial expressions and other non-verbal cues that regular online communication tools frequently lack.

Combined with Snapdragon Spaces™ SDK functionality, MATSUKO provides a user with an immersive experience of holographic meetings. The users can see volumetric holograms, grab and move them around as they wish (thanks to the Hand Tracking feature). Plane Detection allows users’ environment to be scanned, so the hologram can be easily positioned to match the real environment. Taking realistic interaction to the next level, MATSUKO’s holograms could be seated across the table – just like a real counterpart would.

MATSUKO’s patent-pending technology has attracted the interest of Europe’s leading mobile operators, including Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telefónica, and Vodafone. After a successful proof of concept, the plan is to develop a European platform for holographic communication that leverages the capabilities of 5G to create realistic 3D imagery.

AR experience highlights:

  • Simple setup. No need for pre-scans or avatar creation. Users can start on a single device and get accurate 3D capture.
  • Realistic 3D Content. Meet your colleagues and friends in a virtual or real environment, see natural facial expressions and gestures.
  • Experience holographic presence and test it yourself Get early access to MATSUKO app

“Snapdragon Spaces helped us to iterate and develop an immersive platform for smart glasses quickly. In the fast-paced environment of AR experiences, it was crucial to have an easy-to-use platform and device that help developers create new upgrades and improvements.

Efficiently moving with the development process was another powerful asset strongly encouraged by the team supporting Snapdragon Spaces. We need platforms like Snapdragon Spaces that add up to the current state of XR with their nice environment and stability.”

– Erik Gajdos, Head of Development, MATSUKO