Snapdragon at droidcon NYC

Qualcomm Technologies, Inc is a proud silver sponsor at droidcon NYC.

Our team is excited to be at the forefront of accelerating the Mobile and XR industries, with extraordinary hardware and software powered by Snapdragon®.

We will be showcasing the latest developments on Snapdragon Spaces™ XR Developer Platform and Android on Snapdragon.

Speakers at droidcon

Bare-Metal Cravings: How to get the most out of Android on Snapdragon
Thu, Sept 14 | 1:30 pm | Sydney Room | Jay Conference Bryant Park

Mike Genewich, Senior Director of Product Management for Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.

Praveen Chavan, Engineer, Principal/Manager at Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc.

Snapdragon Booth

Experience our Snapdragon Spaces Developer Platform and get hands on with several XR devices powered by Qualcomm® technology.

Android on Snapdragon

Create premium app experiences leveraging exclusive Snapdragon APIs and features. Android on Snapdragon provides Android API walkthroughs, free-to-use code, as well as access to information on Snapdragon Extension APIs for developers who want to integrate the most premium Snapdragon technologies into their apps.

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Snapdragon Spaces™ XR Developer Platform

The Snapdragon Spaces platform empowers developers to unlock the full potential of wearable XR using industry-leading technology, a cross-device SDK, and an open ecosystem. Build or port existing Android apps with Snapdragon Spaces SDK and its latest Dual Render Fusion feature.

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