Snapdragon Spaces Blog

Showcasing XR enterprise solutions at AES

Bringing together the most prominent players in the enterprise space, AES (Augmented Enterprise Summit) took place in October in San Diego. Snapdragon Spaces team used the opportunity to connect with the audience and show advancements of our ecosystem developers.

November, 11, 2022

The event’s theme this year highlighted how selected enterprise players use immersive technologies to enable remote operations, improve training, increase safety, reduce costs, and enhance the customer experience. To kick off the first day of the event, Brian Vogelsang (Sr. Director, XR Product Management, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.) gave a keynote presentation where he explained how Snapdragon technology brings the best-in-class connectivity across industries, enabling enterprise solutions through a decade long innovation in XR.
“Enterprise AR is starting to accelerate from the innovations that we are helping to build to create lightweight and lower power smart glasses and better form factor. We are seeing enterprise VR also starting to take off and are really excited about the possibilities and use cases” – highlighted Vogelsang.

“With Snapdragon Spaces, we are allowing developers to take the applications developed in VR or MR and bring them over to optical see-through glasses. If you are an ISV or IT company investing in augmented reality experiences, you can start working on AR and bring it to VR device and vice versa. This is a unique thing that has not been done in the industry and we are excited to enable it”.

Proving those points, the Snapdragon Spaces booth showcased four demos of our partners that represented the entire spectrum of XR enterprise solutions – from remote rendering to AR instruction, learning & development, digital collaboration, workflow guidance and remote assistance. Each company has been successfully using Snapdragon Spaces to streamline the development of their applications and bring value to the users.

Here’s how our partners make it easier to create enterprise solutions that meet business needs:

  • holo|one presented Sphere, a mixed reality collaboration and productivity platform for enterprises that takes away the need for expensive customization. Instead, the platform offers seamless integration of turnkey AR into business processes.

  • Holo-Light is on a mission to build a powerful streaming platform for enterprises to leverage immersive experiences, 3D content and scale AR/VR use cases – all while using Lenovo ThinkReality A3 smart glasses.

  • Arvizio featured their AR Instructor – a no-code remote assistance solution that uses the “see-what-I-see” principle to overlay visual instructions directly into the worker’s field of view. The platform allows displaying various forms of content – from video clips to images, 3D models, and even real-time 3D annotations.

  • VictoryXR presented their solution for immersive education and training, equipping users with an X-ray-like vision to study human anatomy in a virtual environment.

The Augmented Enterprise Summit provided a unique opportunity for developers, leaders and innovators across the verticals to discuss the latest trends and developments in the field of extended reality. We are looking forward to integrating the insights gained into the next iterations of Snapdragon Spaces.

Snapdragon Spaces Developer Team

Snapdragon and Snapdragon Spaces is a product of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries.